Online Payments

We love helping our clients in store but we also understand that your time is valuable. We’re happy to present several ways for you to handle transactions without needing to come in (or even get out of pajamas).


Fast, Free and Easy

E-transfers are an easy, secure and FREE way to send cash directly from your bank account to us. That’s cheaper than spending the time and gas to drive here. Plus, you can use phone, iPad or computer so you don’t even need to leave the house. We’ve included simple directions down below.

E-Transfer Instructions

  • 1. Access online banking from your phone, tablet or computer.
  • 2. Select E-Transfer from the menu.
  • 3.When asked for an email address to send to use [email protected]
  • 4. In most cases you shouldn’t need a password as we’re set up for auto deposit. However, if it does ask for one do the following:
    1. For the security question please use: “What Is Your Name?”
    2. For the answer, please use “premier” in lowercase letters.
  • 5. In the message or comments field please include YOUR NAME and instructions like “Payment of Ticket #1234“. This is REALLY important otherwise we may not know where to apply the payment too.
    • NOTE: we accept e-transfers as a convenience for you. If you don’t provide the information needed to process transactions to your account we are not responsible for the consequences.
  • 6. One of our team will contact you after the payment is applied to provide your new due dates. We process payments once per day at NOON so any transfers sent afterwards will be processed on the following day.
  • If you’re not familiar with E-transfers here is a great video from INTERAC explaining how it all works:

    It’s ‘APPening

    Get Online With Our App

    We’ve embraced the future and you can too!

    Our MOBILEPAWN app lets you:

    • Shop our retail store
    • Make pawn loan payments
    • Make layaway payments
    • Check the due dates and details for your pawns and layaways
    • Request a quote: message us about an item you want to bring in
    • Get important status updates about your transactions
    • You can even message the team if you need to speak with someone.

    It’s Fast, Easy and FREE

    Just download the APP for your phone (link buttons below) and contact us for an activation code. To protect the privacy of our clients we only send the authorization code to the phone number on file in our system. If you need to update please do so in store. Please note: you must have a PAYPAL account to process payments.